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Владислав Челах – единственный уцелевший пограничник на уничтоженной в мае 2012 заставе «Арканкерген», на границе Казахстана и Китая - был обвинён в убийстве 13 сослуживцев их командира и егеря, а затем осуждён на пожизненное тюремное заключение.
Однако, ни в ходе следствия, ни в суде, общественности не были представлены убедительные доказательства его вины, Основой обвинения стали признательные показания самого В. Челах, полученные следствием сразу после происшествия, от которых он позже отказался, и которые, по его словам, были даны под прессом психологического давления и угрозой физической расправы.
Сам суд прошел с грубыми нарушениями прав обвиняемого, международных норм и основополагающего принципа презумпции невиновности, по которому любое сомнение в ходе суда - трактуется в пользу обвиняемого. Суд не смог установить мотивов преступления и всех обстоятельств происшествия, однако это не помешало вынести обвинительный приговор.
Vladislav Chelakh is the only one who survived the May 2012 tragedy at Kazakhstan’s border to China, when the Arkankergen border post tragedy was destroyed. He was subsequently charged with killing 13 fellow soldiers, their commander and a huntsman who died in the tragedy and sentenced to life imprisonment in December 2012.
However, neither during the investigation nor the trial, any convincing evidence of his guilt was presented. The charges against Chelak were primarily based on a confession that he made shortly after the tragedy and that he later withdrew, saying it had been obtained under psychological pressure and threat of physical violence. The trial was characterized by gross violations of the rights of the defendant as protected by international standards, as well as the fundamental principle of the presumption of innocence, in accordance with which any reasonable doubt arising during a trial should be interpreted in favor of the defendant. Although the court was unable to determine the motives of Chelakh’s alleged crime or the full circumstances of the tragedy at the border post, this did not stop it from handing down a conviction.

A great part of the public in Kazakhstan still does not believe in the guilt of Vladislav Chelakh and continue to demonstrate this on the internet and in the media.
We demand a thorough investigation and review of the case against Vladislav Chelakh in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as Kazakhstan’s Constitution and Criminal Code.